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Shipping and Delivery


We deliver online store orders only to Switzerland. Our delivery partner is Swisspost. 

As the delivery address of the package, you should choose an address from which the recipient can be reached during office hours on weekdays. If there are delays or other problems in the delivery of packages, please contact our customer service half. We will send the tracking code by e-mail when the order has been completed.

Delivery costs

Our delivery prices are based on the weight of the products.

 Weight Price
0-10kg 9.90CHF
10-20kg 19.90CHF
20-30kg 29.90CHF


If your order contains refrigerated products that need special packaging during delivery, an extra fee of 10,00CHF will be added to your shipping fees during checkout.

Shipping is free for orders over 150CHF.


Delivery times

The order delivery time consists of two parts; order processing time and shipping time. The order processing time may vary depending on the availability of the products included in the order, but as a general rule we aim to send orders within 1-2 business days of receiving the order.