The Christmas season is already over, so what to do with leftover ham? Below are some links to articles that are full of recipe suggestions for using salted ham! Note! Articles behind links are in Finnish!
K-Ruoka: What to prepare from Christmas ham?
K-Ruoka suggests evergreen recipes like pea soup, ham pasta, and ham quiche. You can't go wrong with these suggestions!
HK: Utilizing Christmas ham after Christmas
HK's website has a few more unique suggestions, from ramen to caramelized pork. Great ideas for gatherings!
Meillä Kotona New delicacies from Christmas leftovers
On Meillä Kotona webpage they have suggestions for all Christmas dishes, not just leftover Christmas ham. You can even make casserole out of ham!
Snellman: 5 ways to use up leftover Christmas ham
Snellman suggests using slices of Christmas ham in sandwiches or omelets, among other things.
Anna: This is how you can use leftover ham
According to Anna magazine, ham can be used as a filling for baked potatoes or peppers!